Reviews from SMH member

just chanced to see these reviews in 2013 in SMH on emuse pure emu oil. I cut and pasted on my thread 

By spree queen ( Eczema Singapore Motherhood)
I chance up this product after i was suffering from patches of red rashes on my face and was very despair over dematologist comments about my eczema outbreak again and again for four months. Seen many doctors, “sinseh” and acupunture, but my condition was no where getting any better. Worst is the doctors mentioned that there is little medical reshearch in this area.
Thanks to Pure Emu Oil, after applied extensively for 3 days, I began to see improvements. Her immflated skin is no longer red but became flaky. After 2 weeks , she recovered.
You can refer to
Emuuse Emu Oil from Australia which has very strict TGA. It is certified organic ingredients and Halal accredited.

By Eejess
I agree with spree queen. I’ve been fighting the eczema on my daughter’s skin for 2 1/2 year. She got it when she’s 6 months old. It flare very badly once in awhile and I blame it on the food and the weather. I know is the reaction by the body immune system dat cause the eczema. I’ve apply steroids, use all kind of creams, moisturizers (from physiogel, California baby, Curel, Babyganics but I didn’t try Aveeno cos is under J&J) to control the flare. I was quite reluctant to use steroids as it will do more harm to the skin after a long run. Then I finally I tried emuse emu oil. It improved so much and fast!! Is not expensive and you jus need a small amt on each area and its absorption is superb! The eczema on her wrist, and back of her knees are all clear!! only left with a little tiny stubborn patch. Although now is almost cleared, I still applied the oil diligently over the areas for prevention and even on her dry and brittle hair. And also over insect bites. Recently I found out dat if apply emu oil over any creams/medications on skin, it actually helps to carry the creams/medications to penetrate into the skin deeper and faster and thus enhance the potency. eg, the swell and itch of mosquito bites subside faster. I would suggest go and get it. Give it a try now to ease the eczema.




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